Are You a Reactive or Active Coach?

Systems. Everyone knows, likes, and trust systems. Your life operates on a system — perhaps a hectic one, but nonetheless, it does. The world operates on a system — go to preschool, grade school, middle school, high school, college, forty year career, retire, die. Your body even operates on many systems. People cannot function without a system.

Give me one word. Yes, just one. One word that describes where you want your coaching/consulting clients to end up after working with you. For example, my one word is TRANSFORM. I will transform your business and personal life. I have academies to TRANSFORM your business, and programs to TRANSFORM your life.

Now, that you know your one word. Ask yourself, is it a cliche? overpopulated? powerful? Next, ask yourself, how am I going to get people there? In others words, I want to transform lives, but what is the system needed to do so?

Most Coaches/Consultants have no system. They are what is called a Reactive Coach/Consultant. They have a desire to help people, they quit their 9–5 job, they obtain an LLC, a website, a professional picture, and a bio, then they label themselves. They get their first client, listen intently and then give advice accordingly. The next call with the client, this process is repeated, only to hope the desired results are produced. The Coach/Consultant nor the client have a clear cut system that is proven to work. Without this system, there isn’t even an end date to the Coach/Consultant-Client relationship. Circles keep developing until 1. the client runs out of money, or 2. the relationship naturally expires.

This is exactly why Life Coaching/Consulting has been given a bad stigma. Anyone and everyone believes they have counsel when in fact there have merely reactive advice. Point being, never trust a person without a system. When hiring a Coach/Consultant, be sure you can clearly see where you will end up after the coaching/consulting is over; and know what that end date will be.

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2 replies
  1. P. K.
    P. K. says:

    Thank you. As consumers, individuals need to look carefully at the credentials, reviews, experience and personal interview with anyone expecting payment for services rendered.


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