Entries by Elena Rahrig

Why Mastermind Groups Are Key To Your Success.

Do you desire collaboration with like-minded people? Are you a person who wants to receive support right where you are in your business endeavors? Do you desire to build ongoing networking relationships? The desire to run my own business has been on fire in me since I was about 20 years old. I have always […]

Position Yourself as an Expert

There are three types of people in this world. One, people who want to write a book. Two, people who don’t want to write a book. Three, people who are thinking they might want to write a book. In this article I will be addressing those who are thinking about it, and who do not […]

They Said It To Me Too

“Oh what are you doing now?” “Who do you think you are that you can do that?” “You are a joke!” “You are an embarrassment to the family.” “Why are you trying to tell people how to live their life?” Yes, these are just a handful of comments of criticism I heard. It was in […]