Elena’s 10 Rules of Celebrating Your Clients

Your clients are more than just a paycheck. They are your company…without them, your business does not exist. So, is a “Thank You” card truly enough? Are the words “Thank You for your business” at the end of your invoice truly enough? Is a box of candy in the mail enough? When you weigh your company’s existence against a box of candy, I think not. How then, can you truly celebrate your clients? Let’s look at my top 10 Rules for Celebrating Your Clients.

1. Give them a shout out on social media.

Let’s face it, videos is where it’s at. If you are not doing videos, you are doing your  company a huge disservice. People want to see your face, they want to see the authentic you, and they want to speak with you on a platform that makes them feel as though they are in the same room as you. For those who are accustomed to social media videos (social media video marketing), this is a great opportunity for you to include your clients. At the beginning (or end), of your video, give your client a shout out and let the world know how amazing they are and what they have accomplished. Okay…so, I will give you an out, if you don’t like doing videos. If you truly want to highlight your client, but are frightened by videos, then at least create an awesome post. Include their picture, a short bio, and a huge splash highlighting their latest accomplishment. Understand, their accomplishment does not have to be a huge one before they are worthy of celebration. Celebrate even their smallest success! Now, if you are going to celebrate them in a video, be sure to hold up their picture and product, and tell of their great success–again, no matter how big or seemingly small.

2. Promote their product as a featured item on your website.

It only takes a moment to update a portion of your website. Perhaps you have a website developer who helps you with this, either way, get it done. Gather up your clients professional head shot, short bio, and photo of their product and/or description of their services, add it to your website home page, leave it there for one week to one month, and perhaps even link their product (or website), to their PayPal account so people can purchase it from your website.

3. Send out a mass celebration email.

It only takes 20 minutes to create one hell of a flier that is sure to captivate your email list. Create this flier inside an email and blast it out to your entire email contact list. Include a link for your contacts to visit your clients website, purchase their product, and/or contact them directly. Now, if you don’t want it to be an all inclusive for your client, then at least add them to an email you are already sending out.

4. Send them a gift.

We already said that a gift is not enough. However, it can still be implemented with another idea on this list. If it is candy you want to send, then I recommend Sugarwish.com. Get creative with your gift. Perhaps, if you’re a dentist, candy isn’t a great fit for a gift item. So, some other ideas are:

  1. Yearly Planner (With your company’s branding on it, of course.)
  2. Coffee Gift Card
  3. Amazon Gift Card
  4. Office Supply Kit
  5. Gift Card to their favorite restaurantThese are just a few examples. Use your creative thinking and send the perfect gift that your client will actually get excited about. Remember, it is what they want or need, not what you want to send them.

5. Send out a press release.

Alright, don’t beat me up just yet. I know press releases are a thing of the past. However, everything has a time and place for approval. The facts are, large companies still use a fax machine. In fact, I often send documents to work with my husband to fax out on behalf of Transform. Also, visit any large company’s website, and you will find their fax number. So, create an amazing flier highlighting your client, create your hit list, and give it a good old fashion fax celebration.

6. Interview your clients about their success.

Yes, we are back to videos. EEEK! There is a reason for this…they are profoundly effective. Although, if you are still against videos, a telephone or podcast interview can be done. So, figure out your ideal platform, schedule a time with your client, and interview them. Remember, it is all about them, their product, their service, and their success. Therefore, let them do the talking, be engaged, and get excited about them.

7. Do a review video for them.

This one is for your most awesome clients. Think about it, you don’t want to ruin your reputation by endorsing someone who truly is ready to be endorsed. So, for your very special–elite–clients, record a review video telling everyone about how they should work with your client and why. (Again, for you non-video players, write a written review they can use on their website, and go to their social media business page leave a review.) It is important for me to take a moment for the What Not To Do. Do not, I repeat, do not, tell about how they are your client in your review video for them. Remember, it is not about you…it’s about them.

8. Create them something extra for their business.

I will never forget how my dad ran his business. You see, he owned a large fire and restoration business where they would rebuild a burned house to be like new. Sometimes though, he would get your basic construction type jobs. I would watch his team to get hired to paint a couple bedrooms, and my dad would visit the job instructing his men to fix a light switch, replace a light bulb, or fix the leg of the couch. Now, these were not task my dad was hired for, but he did it anyways…just to help out. You can do the same. So your client didn’t hire you to create an advertisement flier for them, do it anyways. Perhaps you are like me and were hired to help them write and publish their book…well then, create them a bookmark to go with it. If you have the finances, pay for the bookmarks and ship them to your client. If you don’t have the finances yet, then at least create it. Everyone’s business cards need updated yearly. Go ahead and send them over an updated business card. You can find all the information you need on their website, and by looking at the current business card. Now, after creating it, send it with a message that reads, “If there is anything you would like changed on this, let me know and I will make the necessary changes so it is perfect for you!”

9. Connect them with a thought leader.

Building relationships is imperative to one’s success. In order to build the relationship, one must first be connected to someone who is worthy of the investment. As a thought leader yourself, I am sure you are connected with other thought leaders who your client could benefit from. So, share your contacts and make the connection to allow them to build the relationship.

10. Purchase their product and send to your contacts.

This one is closely self-explanatory. My client’s are authors, so this is especially easy and affordable for me to do (especially since I own the publishing company that includes printing services). However, every company should have a smaller priced item…what we call a rotisserie chicken–even your client’s company. So, purchase that smaller item your client is selling and send it to your contacts who can benefit from it (aim for at least 10-20 of your best contacts). Don’t just send the product. Include a celebration letter and the reason your contact will love the product. Be sure to send one to your client so they can see what you are sending out on their behalf. Also, give them the contacts information so they can follow up with them about their experience with their product. If your client offers a service, then purchase a gift certificate for your clients to use.

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3 replies
  1. Krystina
    Krystina says:

    Awesome and so helpful! I agree going the extra mile for people supporting your business not only shows amazing appreciation, it will keep them coming back for more services, and referrals!
    Thank you for the article! Great read , awesome info and will definitely e applying some of these suggestions!

  2. Karen Jackson
    Karen Jackson says:

    These ideas are awesome. It is so important that we find every way to recognize our customers because the marketplace is so saturated with so many options. These ideas allow us to stand out and show how we are different. I recently started doing an online Thank you card for my new customers to give them more visibility. My last post created some additional project work for my business and helped my new client secure a new client for her business. These ideas work and create a win-win situation for ALL. Thanks for sharing these great ideas.

  3. Cami Baker
    Cami Baker says:

    Elena Rahrig and Transform are famous for doing these things!

    I have received gifts in the mail out of the blue and it makes me feel special.

    Matter of fact there was a water bottle that came from her last year that I use EVERY day I go to the gym and I always remember where I got it from:)

    Thank you Elena for all your gifts….. both traditional ones and the gifts you bring to my life and business through your skills AND by being YOU!!


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