There Are Three Types of People

There are three types of people whom I wish to bring to your awareness. The first two are:

1. Entertainment Seekers
2. Education Seekers

The third type, I will talk with you about in just a bit; because for now, it’s important that you focus your attention to these two types mentioned above.

Knowing the two types mentioned above, which one are you? Perhaps, you feel that you are a mixture of both. Or, perhaps, you feel that you are one who is an Entertainment Seeker. What do I mean by “Entertainment Seeker”? An Entertainment Seeker is one who often makes statements such as “I am bored” and “There’s nothing to do.” They then, turn to vices such as cell phones, televisions, gossip, magazines, and fantasy books to fulfill their need for entertainment.

Allow me to ask you: Which type of person do you believe is headed for success? Success so great that financial freedom is gained, and lives are impacted. Success that captures T.I.M.E. = Time, Impact, Money, Excitement. Time to do what you want to do. Impact the lives of millions. Money to be able to afford to do all that you desire to do, and give all that you desire to give. Excitement in your life so you enjoy your life to the fullest.

Well, assuming you are among the wise, I am sure you agree with me when I say, “It is those who desire to learn more than be entertained, who end up creating their success.”

Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand the enjoyment in being entertained. Everyone needs to have some nonproductive fun in their lives. Furthermore, I understand the mentality behind “I hate learning.” There are many arenas to blame for the “I hate to learn” mentality; but, all-in-all, it boils down to a mind that is out of shape. Just as if you don’t go to the gym to workout, your body gets out of shape, so does the mind when you stop exercising it.

I have to admit, I have had it easy when it comes to possessing the desire to learn. You see, my dad began paying me to read books on life, business, and spirituality when I was just twelve years old. It was because of this practice, that my brain has adapted to the desires of learning. From the age of twelve, I never stopped. I was like Forest Gump when it comes to running, except I was reading more than running.

I bring up this subject, because if you are one who desires success and seeks after it, but you find yourself seeking entertainment to the extreme, then this is your reason for only desiring success, and not reaching it. I don’t want that for you, as I am sure you truly don’t want that for yourself. Therefore, before I reveal to you the third type of person, I want to encourage you to retrain your brain. Begin today. Read a book. Watch an educational or motivational YouTube video. (Will Smith has phenomenal videos posted. Just search “Will Smith Motivational”). Watch a Facebook Live video from a “guru.” Do something. Start small, but do something. The more you begin to learn, the more you will become addicted to it. The more often you learn, the sooner you reach the success you truly desire to achieve.

The third type of person to discuss in this article are the Information Seekers. I know this type of person, because I have been one. You see, I became so addicted to learning that I never stopped to apply what I was learning. Needless to say, this is also a dangerous ground to walk. At this point, I found myself with all of my intelligence, but no way of distributing it to achieve success. In further truth, I didn’t realize I was an Information Seeker, until someone pointed this harsh reality out to me. Literally, I tried to hire a coach for $10,000, and instead of running off with my money, he said, “You don’t need me. You need to apply what you already know. You are an Information Seeker.”

Ouch! Right! It was his words (words of a strange voice on the phone who forfeited closing a $10,000 deal with me), that launched me into my application that would launch me into great success–my Empire.

How do you know if you are an Information Seeker? Ask yourself: When was the last time I took real action? When was the last time I learned something that made my heart skip a beat with excitement, yet I ventured home to only pick up a book to learn something more? 

Through this article, it is my desire to encourage and motivate you to ponder which type of person you are. Then, recognize if change is needed. If you are not one who desires to learn and apply, please understand the harsh reality that you will never reach the success you desire–you will remain a struggling business owner. You must invest. Invest in your mind. Invest in your future. Invest in your application of knowledge. I know you have heard it a million times, “knowledge is power.” However, I am hear to enlighten you that knowledge is not power. It is wisdom that is power. Wisdom allows  you to apply what it is you know. So, my friend, be wise: learn and apply.

Here is a short quiz to see which type of person you are: Education Seeker, Information Seeker, of Entertainment Seeker.

1. How many hours a day do you spend watching tv?
a. Less than one
b. Two
c. Three or more

2. How many hours a day to you spend working?
a. 4-6
b. 6-8
c. 8 or more

3. How many hours a day do you sleep?
a. 5-6
b. 7-8
c. 8+

4. How many hours a day do you spend time with your family?
a. 2 or less
b. 3-4
c. 4+

5. How many hours a day do you spend reading?
a. Doesn’t read, or entertainment books or mags
b. 15 – 20 min
c. 20+

6. What type of material do you read?
a. Motivational / self-help / business / spiritual
b. Novels
c. Newspaper / magazines

7. How many hours a day do you spend learning something new?
a. I don’t
b. Less than 45 minutes
c. 45 + minutes

8. How many hours a day do you spend working out?
a. I don’t
b. 45 minutes or less
c. 45+

9. How many hours a week do you spend organizing?
a. I rarely do or I don’t
b. Over an hour
c. Less than an hour

10. How many hours a day do you spend cleaning?
a. Less than 20 minutes
b. Over 20 minutes
c. I hire it done

11. How many hours a day do you spend on self-care (not including the gym)?
a. I don’t
b. 20-45 minutes
c. 45+ minutes

12. How many hours a day do you spend on creating content?
a. I don’t
b. 30 minutes or less or some days I do and somedays I don’t
c. 30+ minutes a day

13. How many hours a day do you spend on a to-do list for work?
a. I don’t
b. Seems like most of my day I am battling a to-do list.
c. About an hour

14. How many times a week do you accomplish a small goal?
a. 1-2
b. 2-3
c. 4-7 days a week

15. How many times a month do you accomplish a medium goal?
a. 1
b. 2-3
c. 3+

16. How many times a year do you accomplish a large goal?
a. 1
b. 2-3
c. 4+

For you test results please email me at:

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