Written By Transform Member: Jenn Ray

Do you desire collaboration with like-minded people? Are you a person who wants to receive support right where you are in your business endeavors? Do you desire to build ongoing networking relationships?

The desire to run my own business has been on fire in me since I was about 20 years old. I have always been what you call, a Jack of all trades. I am skilled in music, baking, chocolate making, administration, operations, speaking, leading, working with children, and more. So, I have always had wonderful ideas on business and everything I have ever executed has turned out well, however, none of my business endeavors have ever been “The One”. You know, like a soul mate but in business – my business mate.

Do you desire collaboration with like-minded people? Are you a person who wants to receive support right where you are in your business endeavors? Do you desire to build ongoing networking relationships?

The desire to run my own business has been on fire in me since I was about 20 years old. I have always been what you call, a Jack of all trades. I am skilled in music, baking, chocolate making, administration, operations, speaking, leading, working with children, and more. So, I have always had wonderful ideas on business and everything I have ever executed has turned out well, however, none of my business endeavors have ever been “The One”. You know, like a soul mate but in business – my business mate. None of the things I ever tried was the thing I knew I was destined to do. By the time I was 23, I had a better glimpse of what my purpose was in life, but I had no idea how to even attempt to go after it. In church, I was not being taught to go after the purpose in my heart, rather to be faithful to the purpose of the pastor and eventually my purpose would manifest. So, that is what I did. I was faithful in the music department, in hospital visitation, children’s ministry and even in training the music department when we opened a second location. All the while, I knew God had put a purpose in my heart and I just waited for it to come to pass. I knew something was not right though, because even when I told one of the pastor’s about the purpose in my heart, he discouraged me and told me that I was not the right person for that purpose.  None the less, I kept being faithful until the day I left that church for good.

Fast forward, years later and that purpose lived on. By that time I was free to live it out but I still did not know how. I did not possess the information, understanding, collaboration, relationships, support or network that I truly needed to be successful. I did my absolute best; however there were gaps and areas that lacked clarity. As smart as I was, I could not go as far as I could have as quickly as I could have because of those gaps. At that time, I had never even heard of the term Mastermind group; however that is exactly what I needed. You see, a Mastermind group is designed to help you along the journey to living out your purpose. They help you to be clear about your goals, provide insight, information and understanding. Joining a Mastermind group also ensures that you will be surrounded by a network of people for collaboration and support. Had I been in a Mastermind group early on, I would have had more direction for my purpose. I would have had an understanding of what I needed as well as: the  information, collaboration, the relationships, support and a network of people who could be there to assist me in the direction I needed to go. I would have been so much further along and operating with much more clarity. The reason I can honestly say this is because I have since joined a Mastermind group and the transformation has been amazing! I see myself growing and clarity is coming in leaps and bounds. Information is wildly available to me and my network is broadening. I feel the support and I am building wonderful relationships. I know without a shadow of a doubt that my business, my purpose is in a position to excel because I joined a Mastermind group. So today I ask you; are you clear in the direction of your business? Are you a part of a network? Are you reaping the benefits of support and collaboration from like-minded individuals? If not, I dare ask, are you part of a Mastermind group? If not, find one such as the Elena Rahrig Transform Mastermind Group. You owe it to your business and to yourself. Your purpose will burn in your heart forever, but time is a precious commodity. Do not waste it trying to figure everything out by yourself. Join a Mastermind group today.

Jenn Ray,
JennRay LLC, CEO
RestoringHer Inc. Founder & Executive Director


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Unity Radio Community Expressions Elena Rahrig Transform