Why something as simple as a blue energy drink can change your business.

In a moment I am going to give you a tip; but, before I do, enjoy this story. There is a marketing company who is known internationally. The truth is, they weren’t always know internationally. It took time. It took marketing their marketing company. However, unlike most starter business turned empire, this particular marketing company used a strategy that most would never even think about, let alone consider.

You see, there is a blue energy drink that this marketing team absolutely loves–they drink it all the time. So, being the marketing experts (and crazy fun ones at that), they decided to fill their Culligan water jug up with this blue energy drink and attach it to the system. From there, they made a crazy fun commercial about how amazing this blue energy drink is. Then they sent the commercial to the blue energy drink company…and guess what…it went viral. This marketing companies exposure took off over night.

Cool story…huh!? I’m wondering if by now I even need to give you the tip. What the heck…I will anyways.

TIP: Promote someone or a company who is on a much larger scale than yourself.

1. Are you at a comedy show and the comedy ask you to tweet something? Don’t just tweet something! Go above and beyond. During a break, do a live video telling the world you are at his/her show and how amazing it is. Then tag him in it. Upload it to your YouTube channel, and send it to him via email.

2. Are you at a conference with a big name speaker? Do the same as I told you in #1.

3. Is there a product you love?…you get the point.

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